"Hug… it… out…bitch." Michael Scott
I'd say one of my biggest weaknesses is the emotion of resentment. I tend to resent people who either I believe do me wrong or who I feel don't care as much about something that I do. I'm working on it but it still really drives a lot of the anger in my life. I believe I have a good amount of self-awareness and know my current limitations. I'm also aware that I am human and I know I'm driven by my emotions at some points.
I know you've probably felt resentment. It's a shitty emotion to have. The root of resentment comes in the expectations YOU put on others. You think they are going to do something they say they are going to do and don't do it. They give you a bunch of promises and never deliver. You have an extreme expectation of them (when you're in love) and they don't reciprocate. You feel stronger than they do. You wanted them to travel to you and they never do. You never felt like you could fully commit to someone because of this. I understand. Here's what to do:
First, understand that nobody will CARE about YOU more than YOU. Your parents may come close but your life, your goals, your ambitions… no one will care more than you. SO, take that expectation that someone will care AS MUCH as you, out of your brain. You must first understand the tiers of relationships you have. You must first understand that YOU'RE approval of YOURSELF is most important.
Then, understand who is in your inner circle. Those people closest to you and who understand you on almost a molecular level. Their opinions you will care about after yours. It's inevitable. The key here is to let those into your inner circle who are worth letting in. This is so important. This is a fluid system. One day, you might have to kick someone out from your inner circle. That's okay! It is part of growth.
Next, write a letter to that particular individual who you feel resentment towards. You don't actually have to send it, but getting all of the shit out is important. Every detail that you are feeling is important to get on paper where you can see it. Then, you can visually see whether what you are feeling is legitimate or not. Is your ego bruised or do you have a valid argument against someone? Honestly, half of that list will go away if you eliminate the ego side of you. Cross that shit out.
Now, it is up to you whether you should send the rest of the non-ego driven points you've written out to that individual. I won't advise you to do either one. You know more than me if sending that will ultimately help YOU or not. But, don't you feel better knowing, assuming you isolated the logical arguments that are fueling your resentment, are there on paper? You've finally got that out in the open and you now have the ability to analyze it.
From there, go about progressively moving forward from those resentments. How do you get past a legit resentment towards someone? Tell them. Don't tell them and write that resentment down and burn it. The visualization of that resentment you wrote down burning is therapeutic. This is symbolic to move on. Because you deserve to move on and not have those resentments holding you back. I hope you are able to.