You won't believe it, but I'm going to suggest adding butter to your morning coffee. Am I crazy? Perhaps. Not discussing that right now. I want to share with you a transformational beverage that will set your productivity on fire and may help you grow new brain cells. Seriously Kyle? Seriously!

I'm talking about Bulletproof Coffee, made famous by Dave Asprey, founder of the Bulletproof Diet. For more on Dave, visit his website. Dave really shaped my understanding of how inflammation affects the body with sound research to back it up. He is also part of my community of like-minded thinkers in this area as well. Enough about Dave though. Here are the components to Bulletproof Coffee:

  • Organic Coffee Grounds (I use Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee mix with Lion's Mane and Chaga). Understand non-organic brands have the potential to contain mold toxins that could cause potential problems.
  • MCT Oil - Find yourself a good one that is sustainably sourced. Onnit and Bulletproof are good ones but Thrive Market is a good place to go for less expensive option.
  • Grass-fed Butter - I typically use Kerrygold. In my opinion, either salted or unsalted is fine. I believe sodium plays a large role in our overall health and shouldn't be as demonized as it is. Possibly more on that later.
  • Optional - I added Collagen protein to this mixture when I had it. Although collagen doesn't possess the muscle building amino acid profile that whey or other sources do, collagen has it's own benefits. It's great for tissue, hair, and nails.

Benefits mostly and part Rant - I will tell you this does more for me than anything I've tried caffeine wise and I've tried a lot. I am a big fan of Alphamine by PeScience but it doesn't even come close to how I feel for a solid 3-4 hours with just this, no other food. Remember what I said about growing new brain cells? Check out the abstract to the study on Neurotropic properties of the Lion's Mane medicinal mushroom.

This blend, especially the MCT oil, will give you sustained energy with no crash unlike most sugary energy drinks. These are also good fats and while fat has been dragged through the mud over the past 20 years or so, fat is vital to your diet in so many ways. We've been preaching this "balanced" diet ever since bread was invented and we are now facing a multi-trillion dollar health care crisis. I don't want you to think that I'm trying to prove causation here. I think we need to take a step back and understand how marketing has played a huge role in our food consumption over the past 40 some years. Two companies who are main demonizers of fat and spend arguably the most money on marketing and advertising are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They understand how addicting sugar is and they play on that to make billions. Rant over on that, just want to build awareness.

Anyway, I'll do another post on why fat is vital but for now, I employ you to try this for a couple weeks. It is not a magic pill but the more you drink it, the more you will notice the benefits. I first tried a year ago and wasn't a huge fan until I kept trying it. Now, I can't go without it and I have my most productive weeks when I'm consistently consuming it. Test it out and email me at to let me know your experience with it!