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Feeling stuck at the gym not knowing what exercises to do? Envious of other people that seem to know what's going on and have the results you want? FEAR NOT! I am here to help! In today's episode, I want to explain why most people just "exercise" but if you're listening to this show, you want more. You want to train because you have goals either strength or aesthetic wise that goes far beyond exercise.

I have a BADASS FREE plan for you at the end that's a 4 week full training program with intelligently designed lifts, rep ranges, rpe scales, tempo instructions, and more! If you're unfamiliar with the terms I just used, I also explain in this episode what they all stand for as well. My hope is you take this plan and knowledge and feel confident AF in your skin and perform better in every area of your life as a result. Topics include:

- The Origin of My Training Journey

- The Difference Between Exercise and Training

- Micro Cycles, Progressive Overload, and Intention

- The 4 Areas of Training Improvement

- Strength, Aesthetics, Performance, and Longevity

- Body Design Complete by Rappflex Performance

- Advanced Concepts including Rep Ranges, Supersets, and Finishers

- FST-7 Sets

- Free 4 Day Upper/Lower Split Training Plan


Get the Loyalist Training Plan for FREE - Click Here -


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